'Forest Camping Mozirje' is open to socializing and cooperation. Our strength and obligation lie in the fact that we respect natural and cultural values. With the help of good practice, consistent education, learning and awareness-raising not only of the providers of such services but also of the nature custodians, nature protection supervisors, nature’s interpreters, tourist workers and others in charge as well as general public are those that will grant the only correct, sustainable (tourist) future.
Our guests will be offered education regarding the importance of environmental conservation and nature protection through the workshops e.g. photographic and other artistic workshops, culinary workshops, and other thematic, pedagogic, experimental workshops.
Expecting a big number of people from abroad throughout the summer in our Forest Camping (Austria, Ireland, Scotland, England, Norway, Finland, Sweden, Mexico,...) we hope that our guests will learn about different cultures and ethnicities.
Therefore our goal is that the local people mix with foreign visitors and create the ‘two-way information system’ enabling the learning and simultaneous information exchange. By means of animation programmes, such as ‘intercultural evenings’ featuring the love of nature with regard to different personal experiences and introduction of various nations in the Naturplac would strengthen the awareness of the individual sustainable existence.